Club DEVO will debut at in mid June. Club DEVO is an animated lounge populated by an ever-changing roster of ultra-exciting musical acts. Currently scheduled to appear are The Big Dirty Farmers, Booji Boy, Skunkman Fly, The Smart Patrol, The Sex Dolls, and Parcheezi. General Boy will introduce the bands. The songs are all new and original DEVO recordings that will be downloadable in the MP3 format only from Shockwave. Jerry Casale and Mark Mothersbaugh finished the first song today "It's All Good". It's an awesome tune - something completely unexpected. The first episode is currently in production. Animation will feature funny, dark, and sick humor that you expect from DEVO. Animation will also feature hidden messaging that only hard-core DEVO-heads will "get".

Please visit for more info on Jerry's directorial work.

More to follow. Stay tuned.